Mission + Values


We've all been there...

You're interrupted repeatedly in a meeting. A male colleague gets credited with your ideas. You feel like you can't ask for flexibility in your schedule because 'face time' is important. A majority-identity counterpart, less experienced than you, gets the opportunity to pitch to the boss or the client, lands the promotion, nails a pay raise.

For many of us, we've risen to the point in our careers where we're better armed to push back on the aggressions, micro and macro. We've maybe learned a thing or two about how to encourage counterparts to be allies. But there's a legion of women and gender minorities entering the industry, facing many of the same challenges we have (and still do). We've come a long way, but there's miles (kilometers, leagues, a legendary quest chain) left to go. 


To mentor the next generation of themed entertainment leadership and mindfully expand representation, inclusion, and diversity within guest experiences and creative works.


We're a volunteer network; we're all doing this in our — ahem — copious free time. We also readily acknowledge this is hard, challenging work, which will require us to confront entrenched ideas not only in our workplaces and culture at large, but also within ourselves.

  • We respect the experience and perspective each member brings to the table, whether they're wrapping up their BFA or a 30-year veteran. 

  • We acknowledge the need to confront our own privilege and biases, and will endeavor to provide safe spaces in which to do that. These issues are intersectional, and if we fail to address that, then we will not succeed. Every woman has a stake in this.

  • We embrace the uncomfortable. Dissent and dialog are important in moving forward. Hard issues and entrenched problems will naturally lead to rigorous debate.

  • We also know sometimes you have to tap out for a bit. Part of building a community is that when you need a break, there's someone ready to step in and step up.

  • We are committed to solutions and action. Building community and camaraderie are important aspects of what we do, but in order to effect real change, we must act.

  • We reach 'across the meeting table' to our majority-identity counterparts. They are an integral part of the solution in creating a more equitable workplace.


To be really reductionist about it: respect each other, embrace the uncomfortable, confront your own biases, every boat has to be lifted, encourage allies, and have each other's back.